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-Mighty on Paper

Monday, April 16, 2018

Atlanta Job Fair 2018, Part 2

Well, I went to the 15th annual Job Fair at the Georgia International Convention Center on Friday April 13, 2018.

If you have never been to job fair, let me tell you, it can be overwhelming! I arrived at the convention center about 30 minutes before it started. There was already a line of more than 500 people. If I would have gone by myself, I would have turned around and gone home.

It was very intimidating.

The line snaked into several loops. There was probably more than a thousand people that showed up during the day. I was way out of my element.

I spent the first hour just walking around, unsure of who to talk to and what to say. I had 15 printed resumes along with printed letters of recommendation, business cards, and a list of employers I wanted to talk to. But, my main prospect, the CW Atlanta, didn't show up. So I just walked around.

It was a good experience for me. I learned that I was not prepared for the world of job fairs. Next time I will be ready.

So, let my failures guide you towards a successful career path.

1. Do your research: Take a good look at the list of companies attending the fair. There may be some businesses you have never heard of. Or there may be some that you have heard of but are not the job you want. Either way, take a good look into all the companies represented and learn a few things about them.

2. Make a list of about 10 perspective businesses: After you researched the whose-who of the fair, make a top ten list of jobs offered at the event.

3. Tweak your resume: Take your top ten list and make 10 specific resumes for each requisition. A generic blanket resume is not going to cut it in this environment.

4. Apply for the jobs: I know, it seems counter-intuitive, but every representative that you will talk to will tell you to apply online. Most booths were not even accepting resumes. We live in a digital age. If you have already applied before you meet them, you have the edge now to tell them that you have already applied and you wanted them to have a face with the name. 

5. Smile and be friendly: Look, these people are seeing perhaps more than a thousand job-seekers in a matter of a few hours. They are overwhelmed too. Just smile and be confident. Worst case, you meet a few new people and can grow your network.

That is all I have for y'all.

May the job-gods be ever in your favor,

Lisa :)

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