If you are about to graduate you have probably heard the saying,
c's make degrees, and never have I believed that more than now. The pressure of graduation gets heavier every day. I feel myself start to slip on my papers and assignments. I keep thinking that as long as I graduate who cares what my GPA is?
Well apparently, a lot of perspective employers care. With graduation coming in a little less than two months I have been living on
Indeed.com. It is a website that connects you to thousands of job listings around the world. That search will leave you with the need to curl up in the corner and beg for your mama. Anyway, I have noticed that more and more companies are asking for my GPA along with my degree or graduation date. Also, there have been a handful of companies asking for a copy of my academic transcript. Let me be clear, these are not jobs in the education field, and these are not jobs for any type of school systems. These were jobs in PR, Marketing, Administrative Assistants, Editing...the list goes on.
So, now I can't help but wonder if the adage should be,
c's make degrees, but not careers.
I always believed that grades only mattered if I wanted to go on to graduate school, but now I am not so sure. In an age of over saturation for several careers such as, pharmacology, education, nursing, business, marketing...it looks like companies are now looking for other ways to sort out the cream of the crop from the job pool.
I recently noticed that in my college career at
Georgia Gwinnett College I have only had two professors who did not have their doctorate. It wasn't until I started thinking about graduate school that I realized GGC was making a statement with their staff. They choose to hire the best of the best.
So, yes you can graduate with c's and you will have the same degree as the girl you sat next to in every composition class, but it may not be enough to get you the career you always wanted.
Keep Calm and Make the Word Count!