Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Perfect Outdoor Reading Day!



Do you ever just think, it is the perfect day to read? I'm gonna be honest. I think that EVERYDAY. But today is especially beautiful and the perfect outdoor reading day! See that picture up there? That is what the weather is currently like in the ATL. 

Come on Georgia! Put your devices down (after you read my post of course) and go outside! Read (my personal preference), play golf, basketball, frisbee, run, or just grab a blanket and lay down. No matter what, just go outside for a few minutes and enjoy this wonderful weather while we have it! 

When you come back inside, tell me what you did. If you read a book, send me the link so we can gush on it. Share some pictures of the glorious time you spent outside! 

Come on...let's go. I believe in you! 

Love and rainbows, 


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