Monday, April 30, 2018

What's Next?

It's time to graduate. The all-nighters are over. You have turned in your final assignments. The only thing left is to walk and get your diploma.

So, what's next?

Now you gotta get a job! The job that helped you get through college now seems like a burden. It's time to hit the pavement (or internet really), and find a job that you have worked so hard to earn.

Let's just pump the brakes for a moment. I had some recent advice come in from my amazing aunt. She told me to just enjoy the process. Enjoy the butterflies you get the first time you land an interview. Enjoy the whole graduation parade. Just take a moment and enjoy life.

It was sage advice. I was getting too nervous about what the heck I was going to do after graduation, that I was missing the actual graduation fun.

So, graduates I say this; congratulations! You rock! Enjoy the next few weeks! The time for job interviews will come, so just bask in your success and relax! You freaking earned it!

Good Luck,


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

This One's For You

A personal letter from me to my family. I love you all.

A few years ago, my cousin sent out a letter to several members of my family thanking us for being her "village." The letter came about because of her oldest son's graduation from high school. The letter stuck with me, because I never realized how much time we put into making sure they had everything they needed throughout the years. Family takes care of family, after all. It's just the way it is. But when I was reading the letter I saw how much we influenced the lives of my cousin and her son.

Years later, I still think about the village and its influence. Now that I am graduating from college I think of my own village and the sacrifices they made to help me reach my goal. It would be unfair for me to take all the credit when there is no way in Hades that I could have ever made it to this point in my life without the help of my friends and family.

My mom, who lives over an hour from me, would drive to my house twice a week and watch my kids while my husband and I went to night classes at GGC. My grandmother, who is one of the most amazing women I have ever met, would be the first person to offer to help out with tuition if I was unsure about the cost of a semester. Summers, my kids would go from my sister's house, to my cousin's, to my in-law's. My dad, who always told me I was way too intelligent to settle for the life I had, would buy my school books when I ran out of grant money. He would tell me that the best debt you could ever have was school debt. He would say that it always paid for itself in the long run. My amazing aunt, who decided to go back to college when she was 41!, would answer my millions of questions about my major and what I was doing with my life. My kids would always try to help me with my homework. My amazing boss always reminded me that school is more important than work.

My husband. Man, I don't even know where to start. He is my biggest cheerleader. He constantly reminded me to stop stressing. He would make me cup after cup of coffee during those late nights where assignment after assignment was piling up. If not for him forcing me to stop working and to have a life outside of work and school, I would have had a nervous breakdown, and probably never finished school. He is my rock who always reminds me that I am wonderful.

I have been so lucky to be surrounded by such a great support system. 

So, it's finally happening. I'm graduating in just a few short weeks, and I can't help but think about how I honestly never thought it was going to happen. And how grateful I am to those who helped my dream come true.

Love you all, 

Lis :) 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Atlanta Job Fair 2018, Part 2

Well, I went to the 15th annual Job Fair at the Georgia International Convention Center on Friday April 13, 2018.

If you have never been to job fair, let me tell you, it can be overwhelming! I arrived at the convention center about 30 minutes before it started. There was already a line of more than 500 people. If I would have gone by myself, I would have turned around and gone home.

It was very intimidating.

The line snaked into several loops. There was probably more than a thousand people that showed up during the day. I was way out of my element.

I spent the first hour just walking around, unsure of who to talk to and what to say. I had 15 printed resumes along with printed letters of recommendation, business cards, and a list of employers I wanted to talk to. But, my main prospect, the CW Atlanta, didn't show up. So I just walked around.

It was a good experience for me. I learned that I was not prepared for the world of job fairs. Next time I will be ready.

So, let my failures guide you towards a successful career path.

1. Do your research: Take a good look at the list of companies attending the fair. There may be some businesses you have never heard of. Or there may be some that you have heard of but are not the job you want. Either way, take a good look into all the companies represented and learn a few things about them.

2. Make a list of about 10 perspective businesses: After you researched the whose-who of the fair, make a top ten list of jobs offered at the event.

3. Tweak your resume: Take your top ten list and make 10 specific resumes for each requisition. A generic blanket resume is not going to cut it in this environment.

4. Apply for the jobs: I know, it seems counter-intuitive, but every representative that you will talk to will tell you to apply online. Most booths were not even accepting resumes. We live in a digital age. If you have already applied before you meet them, you have the edge now to tell them that you have already applied and you wanted them to have a face with the name. 

5. Smile and be friendly: Look, these people are seeing perhaps more than a thousand job-seekers in a matter of a few hours. They are overwhelmed too. Just smile and be confident. Worst case, you meet a few new people and can grow your network.

That is all I have for y'all.

May the job-gods be ever in your favor,

Lisa :)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Jennifer St. Giles, An Interview

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Last week we talked about an amazing author, Jennifer St. Giles. She agreed to do an interview with me and share some of her experiences within the publishing industry!

Thank  you so much for taking the time out to answer a few questions for me!
TMP: Now, I know that you didn’t major in writing in college, so can you talk a little bit about how you got into writing in the first place?
JSG: I love story. I devoured books every moment I could from an early age. I wrote poetry first then in my mid-twenties, I knew I had stories within me I had to write. I would start a book, get a hundred or so pages then family and life would steal away time and energy. But I didn’t give up, and one day I made it happen.
TMP: Tell me a little bit about your process? Do you set aside time every day/week/month to write? Do you have to force yourself to write or does it just flow out of you?
JSG: All of it. After finishing my first book, it took me ten years to get published with one of New York’s biggest houses.
TMP: How long was the first novel you wrote? How long was the first novel you published?
JSG: The first book I finished ended up at about 175K [words]. Way too long for traditional publishing. The book I finally sold, a gothic historical came in a 125K [words].
TMP: You used to write for a publisher, can you talk about the perks of writing under a contract with them? What about the downside?
JSG: Perks with traditional publishing ranged from getting an advance to having lots of professional people publish your book. And if you end up being one of the lucky ones they get behind then you can be hugely successful. Downside? Promises made aren’t necessarily kept. The market changes quickly and publishers must adjust their plans to stay on top of the market. You have to understand they are a business for whom you are making a product, so they then can sell that product to as many customers as they can.  They buy the rights to your story for a set amount of years and have control over the story, and depending on the contract, what you write. This can limit what you write in a story. What story you write next. How often you write a book. When that book will be published. How the book will be marketed…or not marketed. I wrote for a publisher from 2003 to 2013. Two Historicals and four Paranormals to Simon and Schuster, one of which eked onto the USA Today list. Three Historicals for Penguin and Putnam. Two Military Romantic Suspense for a smaller press that is no longer in business. Out of these eleven books, none of the publishers carried through on the marketing plans they made when they purchased the books from me. Titles, covers, and often times elements of the story content were determined by the publisher .
TMP: You have done self-publishing, can you talk about the perks of self-publishing? What about the downside?
JSG:  In hindsight, I would have self-published years earlier, rather than knock for nine years on New York Publishing’s door before finally making it into a major publishing house. The upside to self-publishing is you are in total control of what you write and when you publish it and how you market it. The downside is you are totally responsible for all aspects of writing, publishing, and marketing. Though you don’t get any advances, I make more money self-publishing than I did through a New York publisher. Since I work a fulltime job, I’m happier writing at my own pace rather than meeting a publisher’s deadline. Sometimes I’m disciplined and can get a book done despite exhaustion and too many distractions, but sometimes things don’t work out so well. Right now, I’ve had a rough two years and my writing has suffered greatly. I am behind on four different projects.  
TMP: Think of the first time you sat down to write a book, if you could travel back in time and tell yourself one thing, what would it be and why? JSG:
Well, I always tell others to never, never, never give up on their dreams. So, I would remind myself that, but also, I would tell myself to relax and enjoy the journey of story. Not to obsess over making it. To live a little bit more balance life rather than writing every spare moment I could. I still have pictures from when my kids were little that I’ve yet to put into an album or scrapbook (something I’ve always wanted to have time to do). My kids are now 25, 29, 31…sigh.
TMP: Do you ever just want to give up on writing? What keeps you going?
JSG: Writing is my passion. I have so many stories to write that I wonder if I will ever get them all onto the page. But yes, I do get discouraged for various reasons. People will spend more on a cup of coffee than a book. A book takes months to write and lasts several hours to read. Coffee lasts fifteen minutes. People will leave a one-star review that says I haven’t read the book yet, or the book isn’t for free. We need more people with good things to say and to share in this world, and not so much negativity.
TMP: Is there any advice you wish new writers would heed?
JSG: Never give up. Always move forward, and learn as much as you can. There is only one you in the universe and you are the only one who can tell your stories.
TMP: What are you currently working on?
JSG: Currently, I am almost finished with a book that I signed on to ghost write, but it is taking much longer and is much harder than I anticipated. I am about a year overdue on it with just a few chapters left to do. I am writing Bewitching the Wolf, the fifth book in my Shadowmen Series. I am writing a romantic suspense called, Coming Out Of the Dark. I also have a script for a short film I need to write. It is due this month. It features Eva St. Claire and Adam Frasier from my Exposed Series. Eva and her sisters use their psychic abilities to fight crime.
TMP: How do you measure success with your writing? In other words, do you consider yourself successful by sales, or by completing a story that you believe in?
JSG: By completing a story that I believe in, but I can’t lie. When you dearly want to be able to write for a living and support yourself from that income sales matter. I have a motto of sorts that drives me and captures exactly what I think success means every day.  Remember Every Day to Dream, Believe, Create, Inspire, Love, Heal, Succeed, and Grow and Share Wealth..One Matters.
TMP: What is your favorite thing about writing?
JSG: Creating characters who learn to love and creating stories that touch people’s hearts. Stories that sweep people away to new worlds and opens their minds to a brighter future.
You are amazing!  I know you are busy, so it means a lot that you took the time out to do this!
Thank you for this

If you have any other questions for Jenni, you can reach out here or hit her up on her various social media platforms; @jenifersaintgiles, her facebook, tumblr, pintrest, or her website. She loves hearing from fans. Jenni has more than 10 books in her archives and writes new material all the time.
Happy reading y'all!
Lisa :) 

Monday, April 2, 2018

A Look At, Jennifer St. Giles

Bestselling Author 

Jennifer St. Giles 

     Jennifer St. Giles, Jennifer Saints or JL Saints, are all the same person. One amazingly talented woman writing under all those names, but her friends just call her Jenni. This awarding winning powerhouse writes does not limit herself to one genre. Her scope ranges from romance, paranormal, contemporary, historical, military, and time travel. Whatever your itch is, she has the means to scratch it. 

    Look no further for that next book fix! Jenni has more than 15 books available in her vault. Below is just a sample of the work she has to offer to eager readers. Each book cover will lead you to the excerpt about novel. 

   Happy reading,

Lisa :)

Book One Of her Shadowmen Series
Military Genre 

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